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Australia’s modern commercial environment is becoming increasingly data driven, with businesses leveraging company information to increase revenues, improve customer satisfaction and draw strategic insight.

While this provides various opportunities, it also brings a new level of risk. Companies can lose vital business data due to malicious cyber criminals, human error or even natural disasters.

Last year, Ovum Principal Analyst for Software and IT Solutions Andrew Kellett said enterprises face increasingly sophisticated attacks on their data.

“In 2014, cyber espionage and state-sponsored threats will continue to make headlines, but the concerning underlying trend is that similar technology can and will be used against ordinary businesses,” he explained.

Furthermore, Australia is particularly prone to natural disasters, such as cyclones, bushfires and floods. Should a severe weather event hit your area, there is a chance you may suffer a complete IT system shutdown on top of damage to your workplace.

This not only affects productivity and revenues, it also heavily tarnishes company reputation.

In fact, studies have shown that 43 per cent of small businesses that experience catastrophic data loss never re-open after such a disaster. Fifty-one per cent of organisations are said to close within two years.

Clearly, backing up company data and storing it in a safe and secure location offsite is important. This enables organisations to quickly and efficiently retrieve the core business information required to have systems up and running again.

Do you have adequate data storage?

A recent study by FalconStor Solutions revealed that 79 per cent of Australian organisations have a business continuity plan, yet only 21 per cent have an automated disaster recovery system.

Furthermore, only 37 per cent said they tested their backup systems more than twice a year to ensure they reacted properly when emergencies strike.

This was despite IT managers admitting they usually had less than four hours to recover systems before experiencing significant revenue, reputation and productivity losses.

Vic Masi, FalconStor’s country manager for Australia and New Zealand, advised organisations to consider disaster recovery options more carefully.

“Business continuity, data protection and disaster recovery technology is an insurance policy for today’s data centres, which must be able to operate 24/7 without IT downtime,” he explained.

“In part, the delay in adopting these automated service-oriented recovery technologies lies in the lack of education of the market and the executives who must approve these new systems and processes.”

However, as part of a sophisticated disaster recovery plan, businesses should always keep company information safe in a data storage facility. Whether it’s intellectual property or other critical business data, you will need to secure private vaulting services that you can trust.

Guardian Vaults offers extensive data storage facilities that will ensure your information assets are kept offsite where they are protected from cyber threats and natural disasters that could hit your workplace.

Kept in individual safe deposit boxes, your data can only be accessed by your staff when it is needed, with Guardian Vaults guaranteeing its safety against intrusion.

This helps your business to recover from a potentially catastrophic system shutdown with minimal disruption to your normal operational capacity.

Data storage: The importance of backing up company information

Australia’s modern commercial environment is becoming increasingly data driven, with businesses leveraging company information to increase revenues, improve customer satisfaction and draw strategic insight.

While this provides various opportunities, it also brings a new level of risk. Companies can lose vital business data due to malicious cyber criminals, human error or even natural disasters.

Last year, Ovum Principal Analyst for Software and IT Solutions Andrew Kellett said enterprises face increasingly sophisticated attacks on their data.

“In 2014, cyber espionage and state-sponsored threats will continue to make headlines, but the concerning underlying trend is that similar technology can and will be used against ordinary businesses,” he explained.

Furthermore, Australia is particularly prone to natural disasters, such as cyclones, bushfires and floods. Should a severe weather event hit your area, there is a chance you may suffer a complete IT system shutdown on top of damage to your workplace.

This not only affects productivity and revenues, it also heavily tarnishes company reputation.

In fact, studies have shown that 43 per cent of small businesses that experience catastrophic data loss never re-open after such a disaster. Fifty-one per cent of organisations are said to close within two years.

Clearly, backing up company data and storing it in a safe and secure location offsite is important. This enables organisations to quickly and efficiently retrieve the core business information required to have systems up and running again.

Do you have adequate data storage?

A recent study by FalconStor Solutions revealed that 79 per cent of Australian organisations have a business continuity plan, yet only 21 per cent have an automated disaster recovery system.

Furthermore, only 37 per cent said they tested their backup systems more than twice a year to ensure they reacted properly when emergencies strike.

This was despite IT managers admitting they usually had less than four hours to recover systems before experiencing significant revenue, reputation and productivity losses.

Vic Masi, FalconStor’s country manager for Australia and New Zealand, advised organisations to consider disaster recovery options more carefully.

“Business continuity, data protection and disaster recovery technology is an insurance policy for today’s data centres, which must be able to operate 24/7 without IT downtime,” he explained.

“In part, the delay in adopting these automated service-oriented recovery technologies lies in the lack of education of the market and the executives who must approve these new systems and processes.”

However, as part of a sophisticated disaster recovery plan, businesses should always keep company information safe in a data storage facility. Whether it’s intellectual property or other critical business data, you will need to secure private vaulting services that you can trust.

Guardian Vaults offers extensive data storage facilities that will ensure your information assets are kept offsite where they are protected from cyber threats and natural disasters that could hit your workplace.

Kept in individual safe deposit boxes, your data can only be accessed by your staff when it is needed, with Guardian Vaults guaranteeing its safety against intrusion.

This helps your business to recover from a potentially catastrophic system shutdown with minimal disruption to your normal operational capacity.

Disclaimers: Guardian Vaults Holdings Pty Ltd, Registered Office, Scottish House, 100 William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000. ACN 138618176 (“Guardian Vaults”) All rights reserved. Any reproduction, copying, or redistribution, in whole or in part, is prohibited without written permission from the publisher and/or the author. Information contained herein is believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. It is not designed to meet your personal situation. Guardian Vaults, its officers, agents, representatives and employees do not hold an Australian Financial Services License (AFSL), are not an authorised representative of an AFSL and otherwise are not qualified to provide you with advice of any kind in relation to financial products. If you require advice about a financial product, you should contact a properly licensed or authorised financial advisor. The information is indicative and general in nature only and is prepared for information purposes only and does not purport to contain all matters relevant to any particular investment. Subject to any terms implied by law and which cannot be excluded, Guardian Vaults, shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, defects or misrepresentations (including by reasons of negligence, negligent misstatement or otherwise) or for any loss or damage (direct or indirect) suffered by persons who use or rely on such information. The opinions expressed herein are those of the publisher and/or the author and may not be representative of the opinions of Guardian Vaults, its officers, agents, representatives and employees. Such information does not take into account the particular circumstances, investment objectives and needs for investment of any person, or purport to be comprehensive or constitute investment or financial product advice and should not be relied upon as such. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Due to various factors, including changing market conditions and/or laws the content may no longer be reflective of current opinions or positions. You should seek professional advice before you decide to invest or consider any action based on the information provided. If you do not agree with any of the above disclaimers, you should immediately cease viewing or making use of any of the information provided.


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