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The new year brings with it lots of exciting opportunities to grow your assets and discover new lucrative investments, but it is also a time to reflect upon the safety of your valuable possessions.

If 2017 proved a profitable year for you, and 2018 is expected to follow suit, it would be wise to consider how to protect yourself and your prized possessions against the ever-rising threat of theft. The answer is simple – put them safely in a vault with a professional company like Guardian Vaults.

A lot of the most valuable items people have are still their physical belongings such as gold, jewellery, art, and vintage or collectors items. Leaving these items on decorative display around the home can be tempting, but by doing so, you are making them vulnerable to not just being stolen but also to accidental damaged.

Many of your assets in this day and age will be digital or at least digitally documented. But that’s not to say there aren’t methods of protecting them in the physical world. Online hacking and fraud are a growing concern, leading even the savviest of technology fiends to recognise the unavoidable permeability of digital security and seek physical, offline protection for their online assets.

The concept might seem strange, but any avid Bitcoin investor will tell you that storing your digital currencies offline is a wise move, and the surest way to protect them. Similarly, keeping important documents in the cloud is smart for a backup, but if they are the only versions, their safety and accessibility will at the mercy of a system which could crash or be hacked. Stored in a vault, an offline version of your Bitcoins and hard copies of your documents will be entirely safe and secure.

Whether you’re seeking perfect preservation for your grandmother’s vintage jewellery or the impenetrable protection of ‘cold storage’ for your cryptocurrency wallet, a secure safety deposit box in a professional vault is the solution that will best serve your needs now and in the future.

Find out more about how you can put safety first and protect your online and offline assets in 2018 by using Guardian Vaults.


How to protect your physical and digital assets in 2018

The new year brings with it lots of exciting opportunities to grow your assets and discover new lucrative investments, but it is also a time to reflect upon the safety of your valuable possessions.

If 2017 proved a profitable year for you, and 2018 is expected to follow suit, it would be wise to consider how to protect yourself and your prized possessions against the ever-rising threat of theft. The answer is simple – put them safely in a vault with a professional company like Guardian Vaults.

A lot of the most valuable items people have are still their physical belongings such as gold, jewellery, art, and vintage or collectors items. Leaving these items on decorative display around the home can be tempting, but by doing so, you are making them vulnerable to not just being stolen but also to accidental damaged.

Many of your assets in this day and age will be digital or at least digitally documented. But that’s not to say there aren’t methods of protecting them in the physical world. Online hacking and fraud are a growing concern, leading even the savviest of technology fiends to recognise the unavoidable permeability of digital security and seek physical, offline protection for their online assets.

The concept might seem strange, but any avid Bitcoin investor will tell you that storing your digital currencies offline is a wise move, and the surest way to protect them. Similarly, keeping important documents in the cloud is smart for a backup, but if they are the only versions, their safety and accessibility will at the mercy of a system which could crash or be hacked. Stored in a vault, an offline version of your Bitcoins and hard copies of your documents will be entirely safe and secure.

Whether you’re seeking perfect preservation for your grandmother’s vintage jewellery or the impenetrable protection of ‘cold storage’ for your cryptocurrency wallet, a secure safety deposit box in a professional vault is the solution that will best serve your needs now and in the future.

Find out more about how you can put safety first and protect your online and offline assets in 2018 by using Guardian Vaults.


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